Since I just added some polls to this blog about number of children it got me remembering our struggles at school. (no connection) Specifically how in my opinion our schools failed to teach my children to read. It seems they have time for all sorts of curriculum, but at what expense.
1st. shouldn't a number one goal be to teach our kids to read a book? a sentence? a warning label?
2nd. shouldn't they teach them to write their name? a sentence? a job application?
3rd. shouldn't they teach them to add 2+2 or even multiply 99x99 without a calculator (can you?)
My point is, my children didn't get the basics they needed for life. They were moved through the system with little regard to actual teaching of the 3r's, readin, ritin, and rithmatic (or something like that)
I heard yesterday on the news that only 15% of Americans write long hand cursive, I know I was not taught to write well, I avoid it it like the plague, I have others write for me, or I print, and even my printing is atrocious.
With the advent of computers and keyboards hand writing and math skills are falling further.
Back to my rant, why can't our schools concentrate on the basics? to me it seems so simple and obvious that we are not preparing our children at an early age, its no wonder later in middle or high school and beyond that they fail.
Conventional Wisdom: Anyone can raise a child!
Reality: >>> Good parenting requires - Good Parents!!
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