Put ink to paper, putting my thoughts in words is opening a window to my soul, somethings are better kept locked up, not open to judgement and the scrutiny of others.
"He who wishes to live in peace and at ease must not speck all he knows or judge all he sees"
Conventional Wisdom: Anyone can raise a child!
Reality: >>> Good parenting requires - Good Parents!!
All about parenting today. Practical peaceful strategies from newborn to teenagers
bonding, discipline, empathy, stay at home dads and moms,
bad habits - fixes
Parenting Guide - Now available at AMAZON
Our newly printed Parenting Guide is now for sale at Amazon books - you may look it over by clicking here >> Parenting Guide at amazon
Scroll down for excerpts from book and some great parenting tips
Scroll down for excerpts from book and some great parenting tips
Don't spill your guts, just write a little about children