Parenting Guide - Now available at AMAZON

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Some Storys for Toddlers

   Tractor John Saves the Kittens 

It was the day after Thanksgiving Day and Tractor John saw a really big eagle circling above the field he was working in. Tractor John also saw two little kittens running in and out of the bushes nearby.

 All day long, the kittens cried and hid as the big bird watched and waited for the chance to swoop down and carry them away.   The little kittens would be a tasty meal.

Later that day, Tractor John stopped working and played with the kittens.  He wondered where they lived or if they had a home.  The big bird was still watching and waiting for its chance to catch the kittens.  It was getting late and the big bird was very hungry.

Tractor John and Tiny Tractor finished their work and went home, and they took two little kittens with them.  The big bird would just have to find a mouse for dinner.

This picture story is part of a 148 page book called
"Tractor Tales"