Summer Camp for us has been a chance to get away ourselves. Several years now, we have coordinated a week away at the same time our boys are away at Boy Scout camp. The first time we were nervous about being unavailable should an emergency come up, but one never has. We made sure the adults attending camp knew that we would be away from home. This was before cell phones, with the advent of cell phones and especially text messaging we don't give it a second thought. We are always a simple call away, even though we may be hundreds of miles away. I don't think it would be wise to be thousands ( like in Hawaii) of miles distant unless you make arrangements with another adult or older family member to be your stand in. Should something come up, like a broken bone or mystery ailment, all camps have emergency procedures and you have likely signed a medical release that will take care of the immediate needs, but a friendly face visiting a hospitalized child is not too much to ask you as a parent to provide whether it be by proxy or in person.
Summer Camp this year is scheduled for late July and we are discussing our options, maybe staying home will be the most peaceful, well have to see what comes up.
Conventional Wisdom: Anyone can raise a child!
Reality: >>> Good parenting requires - Good Parents!!
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