Today is the longest day of the year and many children are free from school until after Labor Day, "yipeee".
I always feel for the kids on the last day of summer break. I remember some years when I was faced with the first day of school how nervous I was, some years even afraid. Now I'm wondering how many kids dread summer. Do they have day care to look forward to? Latch key? Abuse? Just because schools out doesn't mean their parents are off work. I know some parents will schedule camps back to back all summer. They say it's great for their kids, having lots of activities. I wonder if the kids think its great. Our children aren't dumb, they know they are being shipped off to a fancy baby sitter costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. Our children are not worldly or mature enough to know that it may be the only choice their parents have. Some kids benefit being at camps all summer, I know some would rather be with their family, but with two income family's now being the norm, what can they do? That neighbor kid you saw the last nine months playing after school, has he suddenly disappeared? I wonder where he is, and if he's dreading schools return or another summer.
Conventional Wisdom: Anyone can raise a child!
Reality: >>> Good parenting requires - Good Parents!!
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